Tuesday, March 20, 2007

I have seen the future -- and it ain't pretty.

Once again displaying how far behind the mainstream I am, I just visited the Dominion Institutes' Canada in 2020 website. The idea behind the site is worthy enough -- to get Canadians to think about the challenges that will face our country in the coming years. Sounds good to me. Even better, the Institute invited some of the country's leading thinkers (academics, journalists, economists mostly) the opportunity to write about their vision of the future.

For the most part it's pretty depressing. Maybe not depressing enough to make me want to end it all now but certainly depressing enough to make me not want to get out of bed for a long, long time. So, if you're in the mood to find out how bleak our future might be, and you haven't already read any of the essays then be sure to visit the site here. I guarantee you a night of misery. My only hope is that John Ralston Saul's installment will be more hopeful. Please, please, please Mr. Saul save our country!

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